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The Over Analysis of Netflix The OA, episode 3: S01E03 – Champion

    A UK podcast discussion about the weird and wonderful Netflix series The OA. Each episode is discussed immediately after watching, so we have no idea of where the plot is going and no spoilers for future episodes…

    Here Ethan and Talia discuss episode 3 of Season 1 of The OA, ‘Champion’. Including: how you go about constructing a modernist glass dungeon without raising suspicions; Homer’s possibly questionable taste in wolf sweatshirts; and whether having a dead girl in your bath is always an indication of a poor moral code.

    New episodes published just as soon as we watch them (roughly weekly).

    This week: a poll. From listeners’ messages we realised that not everyone is listening to this podcast just after watching the episode, that some people have watched the whole series but are still listening to our (probably) wayward theories about where the plot is going, despite knowing absolutely where it’s going themselves. Which lead us to wondering who has watched it all and who hasn’t. So maybe you can let us know by answering the poll below:

    How much of The OA have you watched?

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    cc licensed image by james_wheeler
