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Better Overhaul Saul podcast

An episode-by-episode discussion of Netflix series Better Call Saul, season 3 onwards

Better Overhaul Saul podcast, episode 7: S03E07 – Expenses

Including: is littering worse off flyover freeways than ground-level ones?; how drugs-nerd Daniel Wormald doesn’t seem to understand the rules of communication for the genre in which he’s found himself; and medical professional that she is, Talia cannot help but launch into a tortuous roundup of the methodology and counterindications of established angina pharmacology.

Better Overhaul Saul podcast, episode 6: S03E06 – Off Brand

Including: relief that the goldfish from the previous episode seems to have survived; Talia expresses regret that her dad doesn’t have quite the playground-building skills of Mike, the perfect father-in-law; and how we just can’t get enough of those Breaking Bad callbacks, particularly this week when they include Lydia and a certain laundrette.