
Archive for the ‘podcasts’ Category

Succession Obsession: HBO’s Succession series wrap-up

June 9th, 2023 No comments

With the finale now consigned to history, Ethan and Talia look back and think about the series as a whole, including: emails from podcast listeners (including a previously overlooked finale plot point), what themes the show has been trying to put across; what have each of the characters brought to the story; and Ethan’s argument that this is the greatest show of all time – what exactly makes a great show?

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Succession Obsession: HBO’s Succession S4E10: With Open Eyes

May 30th, 2023 No comments

Ethan and Talia discuss episode 10, the finale of the fourth and final season of HBOs series Succession: With Open Eyes. Including: was this as satisfying an ending as we had been hoping for?; the keen eye of the writers in pulling together and amping up all the themes that made Succession so great; did any of the characters really win the succession race; and such is our reluctance to let this show finish, our decision to make an extra podcast to discuss the themes and impact of the series as a whole.

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Succession Obsession: HBO’s Succession S4E9: Church and State

May 23rd, 2023 No comments

Ethan and Talia discuss episode 9 of the fourth and final season of HBOs series Succession: Church and State. Including: is there such a thing as a Roy sibling winning the funeral? is the siblings’ mother Caroline not only the worst mother but the worst human being in a show of amoral human beings? and how does all the shenanigans here alter our view of what will happen in the final episode?

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Succession Obsession: HBO’s Succession S4E8: America Decides

May 16th, 2023 No comments

Ethan and Talia discuss episode 8 of the fourth and final season of HBOs series Succession: America Decides. Including: how the writers have used the comedy of the series to make the anguish of this episode all the more distressing; our blindness to Roman’s true fascist nature; and Ethan doubles-down on Talia’s theory on the implications of the series’ title, and its meaning of (non-)succession for US democracy.

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Succession Obsession: HBO’s Succession S4E7: Tailgate Party

May 8th, 2023 No comments

Ethan and Talia discuss episode 7 of the fourth and final season of HBOs series Succession: Tailgate Party. Including: an Emmy to the costume designer for Mattsen’s gold jacket; how Roman might enact a Festen-like ending to the series; and more wondering about how the final three episodes will manage to get all these characters together for the last few times.

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