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What should I write? The Book of Me

    What is a book? Of what is it comprised? The best book is, I think, the distilled essence of the author – the collection of all the influences and meaningful events of the author’s life. Not always directly – not everyone writes a straight autobiography – but still a book that reflects these meaningful events and influences.

    And the existence of the internet allows us to collect and curate our influences and meaningful events in ways that we never could before. Before our frenzied online activity, reading/watching/taking in culture was an inefficient, piecemeal collecting of the works and events that had meaning to you – but now we can document them, collate them on a website, curate them. And turn them into a book. And because they can be documented so efficiently, this book can represent them more fully.

    That is the purpose of a Book, of the Book that we always try to write. I feel this to be true because other writers’ Books of Me are the books I most want to read – the filtered, analysed summaries of a writer’s collection of the meaningful events of their life.

    A lot of writers keep publishing what is essentially the same book with different titles. Malcolm Cowley

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