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S01E01: Lost in Translation

    Ethan and Talia discuss Sofia Coppola’s 2003 Lost in Translation. How in our history of rewatching this film our empathy has changed from Scarlett Johansson to Bill Murray; how the use of the Jesus and Mary Chain, My Bloody Valentine and Air on the soundtrack elevated this to something above great; and seeing glimpses of the real awe-struck relationship between the young Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray.

    links to things discussed in this episode
    • When discussing if Bill Murray might worry he was too old for the role, comparison to Jimmy Stewart in Vertigo – the commercial failure of which Hitchcock blamed of his aged appearance 
    • Comparing end to last scene in Casablanca
    • The work of art that Talia though the first scene of the film is homage to is Jutta by John Kacere
    • David Brooks – Was the Nuclear Family a Mistake 
    • Comparison to marriage as portrayed in Sam Mendes’ Revolutionary Road

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